23 June 2011

Malaysian ummah vlogger

Salam brothers & sisters,

Nowadays,the most in trend method for virtual communication is Vlogging.Yup,totally different than Blogging.Whereby,blogging only required writings but vlogging,all you can do is just talk!Yeah,talk to the camera and imagine that you're talking to your mom or BFFs. I tried once,i failed epically because....

I can't imagine the camera as my BFF because it only has one eye,no mouth and no ears!

Just imagine this......


"Hihi..this is exciting.Well,hi there.How are u doin' today?Whatssssuuuuppp?Hihihi *giggles*



"Err..ok.Where to start.Um,oh,i have a story to tell.Wanna hear?Hee..."



"Ok,i take that as a yes.So...err..are you listening?"




Ok!I give up.I don't have the ability to talk to the camera i guess.Haha.I might try again someday after i finally able to assume my BFF is technically LOOK like a camera.LOL.
By the way..I wanna share with you,3 Malaysian Vloggers that have the guts and the gift to talk to this particular static object.And MasyaAllah! they did a good job.It gets more awesome when their main objective of vlogging is spreading ISLAM in a modern way..youthful way...Take a look!


His expressions always LOL'ed me and every single word he throws has successfully made my day.Plus,there are a lot of hidden messages in his vid.U just need to focus more ;)

2)Aiman Azlan

He resembles Nigahiga and Kevjumba a little,but in ISLAMIC way.I like his accent and expressions..it's so suitable for us..the teens (err..i am a teen!)

3)Anwar Hadi

I'd say he's a genius!He know how to catch people's (more focused on teens) attention.You wouldn't recognize his main objective/intention on a single vid until you watch it till the end. (that's the whole point rite?;))

Well,i'd say that there are a LOT,a LOT of different ways to do da'wa and spread the beauty of ISLAM.All you need to do is just ask yourself...

(yeah,i'm pointing both of us.Can't you see my hand?..)

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